Abordagem, busca pessoal e tirocínio policial
O que leva à "fundada suspeita"?
abordagem policial, busca pessoal, fundada suspeita, tirocínio policial, racismo estruturalAbstract
The article presents a research, with the scope of investigating the police professional's point of view about two routine intervention activities (the "approach to people" and the "personal search" about people about whom "founded suspicion" hovers), conducted using two methodological instruments: (1) a structured questionnaire applied to a universe of 564 police officers and (2) a semi-structured interview with 22 police chiefs. The research problem, faced through the Case Study and the inductive method, arises with the guiding vote of Minister Rogério Schietti Cruz, of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, in the Appeal in Habeas Corpus nº 158580–BA. From the analysis of the data, it is suggested that the police forces revisit their doctrine and remove the false concept of "preventive personal search" legitimized in the discretionary police power, to adopt police protocols in which situational and personal elements are formally indicated, indicative of what gives ballast to the “founded suspicion”, with the required scientific and probative force for police work.
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SILVA JÚNIOR, Azor Lopes da (Coord); ROTH, João Ronaldo (Org.). Polícia Preventiva no Brasil: abordagens e busca pessoal. São Paulo: Editora Dialética, 2022.
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